Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Day I was a "Worstie" On Jezebel.com

Today, June 16th, marks the day I was chosen as "Worst Comment of the Day" by the Jezebel.com editors.

Here is the comment, unedited --
"I always thought 6 was the perfect size. I thought this because that's what size Julia Roberts was in Pretty Woman, and I found her so amazingly gorgeous in that movie. And even then, 6 is tiny, but 6 is much more healthy than 00."

Now, before I post the smack down I received from Dodai, let me first say I understand how my comment could be taken negatively. Jezebel is very sensitive when it comes to equating clothing size with health, and they make it a point to knock down fat shaming or thin shaming too. I should have known better than to add that last part, "but 6 is more healthy than 00." Of course a 6 is NOT healthier than a 00, it's simply a different NUMBER. I quickly clarified this within the thread, by stating that my comment referred to what I thought was the "perfect size" growing up, as it was said to be a size 6 in movies like Pretty Woman, and books like Sweet Valley High. This soon turned into an intelligent, informed convo with fellow commenters.

However, somehow I was nominated as Worst Comment of the Day. Hey, fine, you don't like what I said, I'll deal. What I DON'T have to deal with is the public shaming from Dodai. Here is the full post:
"The very appealing and incredibly appalling comments of the day, Tuesday edition:

Best Comment Of The Day, in response to Changing Bodies, Changing Lives: "I normally hate period pieces, this one I actually enjoyed." We say: You're giving it a standing ovarytion? • Worst Comment Of The Day, in response to Vogue & The Size Zero Problem: "I always thought 6 was the perfect size. I thought this because that's what size Julia Roberts was in Pretty Woman, and I found her so amazingly gorgeous in that movie. And even then, 6 is tiny, but 6 is much more healthy than 00." We say: Seriously? You were just a kid, but comments like this DO NOT HELP. There is no "perfect" size. And there is no, across-the-board "healthy" size. Everyone is different, and what's right for a woman in Samoa doesn't work for lady Thailand or a chick in L.A., and your comment proves that the more we listen to Vogue, craptastic flicks like Pretty Woman and Anna Wintour, the more completely and utterly fucked we are. Christ."

Now, does THAT harshly worded, PUBLIC smack down fit the bill for my comment? Was it so "utterly appalling"? Have I left all of woman kind "utterly fucked" because when I was 12 I thought Julia Roberts was gorgeous in Pretty Woman? Well, apparently so.

Jezebel prides itself on being pro-woman, anti-mean girl, but today I may as well have been told to wear pink on Wednesday's. Look, I understand that commenting on the site comes with the risk of also being called out for being offensive or down right stupid. But I have been a loyal reader/commenter for YEARS and I am not given the benefit of the doubt? Instead I am used as a scapegoat for "sizeism" in America? Yeah, I feel like I've been hit by a bus. So NOT fetch.

Also, a big THANK YOU to fellow commenters coming to my defense! I really appreciate your kind words and virtual hugs! :)

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